
Money then and now

You're interested in history and money? Then this course is the right place for you.

Informationen zum Kurs von Frau Hiestermann

Beteiligte Fächer

History, Economy (PGW)

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte

We’ll have a look at the function of money and therefore need some basic knowledge on economy. What is bartering, who or which country thought of using bills and coins and why? If there is enough time left: How important are digital coins? What’s going to happen in the future?


We’ll start with a trading game and use the first lessons to familiarise ourselves with the topic in general. Then you should decide on the specific topic, you would like to have a closer look at, do your research and present your results. It could be useful to visit a library, museum or a bank with the POL-class.

You should be pretty good at English, e.g. able to write in English right away.


Powerpointpresentation or a digital quiz (Who wants to be a Millionaire?) or a speech (with transcription) or a debate (with PPP including your arguments) or maybe you can convince me of another suitable way of presentation.